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Performing bears handed over to sanctuary- a big step forward

发布日期:[2024-03-29]     点击率:

Performing bears handed over to sanctuary: a big step forward

Thu Hà – Bảo Hoa

HÀ NỘI — The recent hand over of four bears from Hanoi’s Central Circus to a sanctuary is a big step towards helping bears in Việt Nam, said a representative of animal welfare organisation Animals Asia.

Performing bears handed over to sanctuary- a big step forward

On June  一 五, four Asiatic black bears, aged between five and seven years old, which were tamed to perform on stage at the circus, were transferred to the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Tam Đảo District, northern Vĩnh Phúc Province.

This marked the end of wild bear performances at the circus, a result of many years of campaigning by the animal welfare organisation.

“This is very important,” Tuan Bendixsen, Vietnam Director of Animals Asia which operates the sanctuary, told Việt Nam News.

“The Central Circus is a premier circus in Việt Nam and run by the central government. And if they are putting out signals that we will not be using wild animals anymore, then hopefully the rest of the circuses in the country will follow suit.”

People’s artist Tống Toàn Thắng, deputy director of the Hanoi Central Circus said it was a hard but inevitable decision to make.

Thắng said: “Spectators may ask why there are no longer bears performances, they may ask is it because the circus art has so lagged behind that no artists can now perform with dangerous animals必修 

“I hope they will understand that amid development and international integrity we have to abide with international regulations and conventions.”

Animals Asia has been campaigning for an end of wild animals and other animals in circuses in Việt Nam since  二0 一 七, once considered a challenging task given the pretty low awareness on animal rights in the country.

But things are changing gradually, according to Bendixsen.

He said: “A lot of schools now are not allowing the students to go to the circuses to see the wild animals performing.

“The Government has also started doing their bit as well. Recently they introduced Decree  一 四, which is the first decree ever to spell out punishment for anyone who abuses animals.

“So we feel that with the help from the public and changes of public attitude, we will start seeing a very bright future for the wildlife in Việt Nam.”